DL INTERVIEW | 寂靜的優雅,Pablo Thecuadro 與Drilling Lab / The silence elegance with Pablo Thecuadro.
優雅是一個存在時間性的形容詞,它靜止地串連起時序的碎片,賦予存在它的空間寂靜卻強大的能量;同時優雅也是我們在Drilling Lab注入的想像,它等於一種氣度,沒有傾斜的性別,依附在真實的設計之上。DL INTERVIEW新一輯,我們與西班牙藝術家 Pablo Thecuadro 試著在人類複雜的拼貼思維中,尋找真實優雅的深度。
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• 查看更多Pablo Thecuadro的拼貼作品
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Drilling Lab與你的生活觀點產生了什麼共鳴呢?
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Sevdaliza的音樂、Instagram帳號 @love_aesthetics與日本RPG電子遊戲。
• 查看藝術家配戴的 ANONYMOUS 系列手環
Elegance is the word which get time within, it gathers time pieces silently then releases giant power in its space. Besides, elegance is also what we define for one of aspect in Drilling Lab, It attaches with the real from unisex design. For the brand new interview we cooperated with Pablo Thecuadro and try to find the depth of real elegance within complicated minds like collage from human beings.
( Drilling Lab=DL,Pablo Thecuadro=PT )
| DL |
Simply introduce your background for us!
| PT |
I’m Pablo, I’m 25 and I’m a photographer and a collage artist. I studied Artistic Photography in Madrid and I discovered collage art at the final grade of it. I've always loved portrait and fashion photography with a little different touch on them, so collage is perfect for that.
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How about describing your works as「Silence」&「Elegant」pieces? Do you agree with that?
| PT |
Sounds great! I try to express elegance and serenity in my work, so “Silence" would be a nice word for it. I think my work is quiet but it tells you a story at the same time.
| DL |
Collage is an unlimited form of art, it could travel though in different time, what are you got from the process of this kind of creation? (a satisfaction of mental imagination?)
| PT |
Completely agree, “satisfaction of mental imagination” describes it perfectly! When I’m making collages, I feel very relaxed and so focused on it that time flies when I make them.
| DL |
Could you share us what the Drilling Lab brings for you? Did it resonate with your beliefs?
| PT |
The first time I saw the website, I was really into it (the kind of pictures, the minimalism, the colours…) and, of course, the products, they're amazing.
| DL |
In your opinion, What is 「ACCESSORY」(or even you could call it wearable devices)?
| PT |
I really love accessories because I usually wear black and basic clothes, so they give you nice details to your look.
| DL |
Please share us three things or people inspires you most!
| PT |
The music of Sevdaliza, the Instagram account of @love_aesthetics and JRPG video games.
• Check ANONYMOUS Bracelet that Pablo wears
photos credit Pablo Thecuadro & Drilling Lab