IMPLY 是位於香港尖沙咀的選物店,從時裝、配件到刺青,在這個空間裡「極簡」是多元的思考呈現。
這次我們很高興與 IMPLY 主理人 Luke 談了一些想法:
DL:IMPLY 曾說「極簡定義不在於完全沒有,而是如何沒有。」對你來說,極簡如何在生活中實踐?
IMPLY:懂得選擇是重要的一環,「斷、捨、離 」是很好的準則。
「斷」 斷絕不需要的東西
IMPLY:Drilling Lab 是以工業夾具作設計靈感,使用最原始的材料且不作多餘處理來呈現 Less is more 概念。詮釋工廠機械美學這塊是較其他品牌分別之處。
IMPLY:作為主理人,我期望每位來到「空間」都可以有所得,不管是物質或心靈上。工作室不僅有 IMPLY 提供台灣各設計師品牌、更有香港鞋履與獨立刺青,當中包含著不同創作、不同背景、不同理念,只為提供一個更大的展示分享平台。Drilling Lab 就是扮演其中一種多元角色、傳達真實不矯飾的思考方向。
IMPLY is a select shop located in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong, including apparel, accessories and tattoos. In this space, minimalism is presented by various plain, sharp cutting individual brands selection.
We had a small talk with the owner of IMPLY.
DL: You have shared that "The definition of minimalism is not to have completely nothing, but find a way to be." How do you practice minimalist in your life?
IMPLY: It is important to know how to choose. The " cut off, give up, and part from" can help me practice minimalism in life. First, the “cut off” is to cut off unnecessary things. Second, the “Give up” is to give up excess wastes. Last, the "part from" is to part from the attachment to subjects. That is, it's important for minimalist to choose necessary things.
DL: What do you think about DrillingLab?
IMPLY: Drilling Lab’s design is inspired by industrial clamps, using the most primitive material without extra processing to present our "Less is more” concept, interpreting factory machinery aesthetics. I think this is what makes DrillingLab different.
DL: IMPLY is more than just a select shop, but a platform to share. What idea do you want to convey?
IMPLY: As a director, I hope everyone in here could obtain something, physically or mentally. IMPLY not only provides design brands of Taiwan, but includes shoes from Hong Kong and independent tattoos. There are too many things happening, too many ideas popping up! We hope to build a larger display sharing platform here. Drilling Lab plays one of the roles, to convey the true thinking direction without pretense.