Drilling Lab 的精神主旨為追求物件樸實、不造作的「真實」理念。
經由初始配件,如何裝置、從功能性輔助變成設計的主體。Clamp Collection 透過形隨機能,有意識的去蕪存菁、練達俐落的線條,暴露在外的結構元件,重現工業器械的信賴感及實用導向,嚴謹的製作工法及表面處理,呼應舊時代的務實求是的風尚。
The core spirit of Drilling Lab is pursuing the plain of objects, the “true” without pretence.
Via initializing accessories, assembly and location transform the functional auxiliaries to main parts design.
Clamp Collection has fixed screws onto body by movable and various objects, through the form of movable functions to separate the wheat from the chaff consciously.
The sophisticate neat lines and the exposed industry structural elements represent a sense of trust and practical guide.
Moreover, the strict production engineering methods echo the pragmatic fashion of old times.Facing with fluctuations and shrinking resources, as a new value provider, Drilling Lab blends engineering thoughts with intuitive manner to show the concise life attitude, from complex to simple design.