同質現象Homogeneous phenomenon_
環境蕭條與資源的有限,Less is Enough 一個直白的建築語彙,擴大為設計領域的基本論調之一,各大品牌相繼透過簡化色彩、字體、形態等呈現來提升視覺辨別度,改由精準剪裁取代過往繁複的廓型,在黑、白等單色中突顯質地及線條。
Limited resource has made “Less is Enough” which originally comes from architectural vocabulary becoming one of the basic tones of design. The major brands have enhanced visual discrimination by simplification, including color, font, and shape, etc. Complicated clothing profile has been replaced by the precise cut nowadays, with black and white to highlight the texture and lines. In fact, the minimalism is not only used to simplify the looks of object, also the materials, process, and packaging. Just like DL, we have simplified accessories through design, process, and aesthetic to achieve simplicity.
Whether the Nordic minimalist fashion or Normcore's self-advocacy, the release of intuition is like a contemporary homogeneous phenomenon.