實驗 The Experiment_
直搗本質,視配件為裝置,在各方面進行初始實驗,鍛造過程的化約,使用機能性的結構衝擊純裝飾領域,如:將工字概念融入Clamp series 手環設計,透過精巧體積創造最大化的結構強度;Anonymous 則凝煉板件、插銷高靈活的特質,延伸出開闔、滑動等目的導向的配件。
Drilling Lab 演化自工業時代的務實,在低限、合理的作法下切入審美,觸發結構性設計獨具的生存樣態。
To reach the pure simplicity by testing different areas, Drilling Lab has used the functional structure to challenge the decorative accessories, such as: the Clamp series that building the I-Beam into bracelets which maximizes the structural strength; Anonymous series concentrates on the possibilities of plates and plugs to create functional accessories.
Drilling Lab has evolved from the pragmatism of industrial era, presenting unique and simplified style.