關於製程_ 真空濺鍍_
全系列產品的黑色款,表面處理採類鑽碳(Diamondlike carbon DLC)硬質膜,DLC是與天然鑽石性質相近的碳材料,具備高硬度、耐磨耗、表面光滑、低摩擦係數等特性,廣泛應用於工業領域。
Process / vacuum DLC sputtering technology
The accessories in black of Drilling Lab, all using DLC (Diamondlike carbon) hard film, it is a natural carbon material which has similar nature with diamond, with high hardness, resistance to abrasion, smooth surface, and low coefficient of friction that widely used in industrial fields.
In a vacuum environment, transferring energy to proceed film deposition, the object will be in black after plating. The dense film strengthens the hardness of accessories.